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Yugo's teacup is a teacup owned by Yugo. It was originally part of a tea set that Lucas found in the storage room at Glory Bell. The children, especially Dina, were enthralled with the tea set as they had only seen stuff like it in books before.

When Yugo, Lucas, Dina and sixteen other children escaped from Glory Bell, they took the tea set with them.


The tea cup is apart of a elegant tea set that was white in color. When Lucas first found the set, it looked new, with no trace of soiling. The cups and teapot looked a lot like the illustrations in Dina's book.


One day at Glory Bell, Yugo, Lucas, Dina and Nicolas found a book full of beautiful illustrations of tea sets, cakes, cookies and other treats and began to fantasize about how great it would be to be able to have a tea party or be able to bake and eat the pastries in the book. Later, Yugo's mama asks him what he would like as a treat for getting perfect scores on his daily tests for a month straight and he decides on a big box of cookies like the one from the book that him and all his siblings could eat together. Yugo does not tell his siblings about his request and instead plans to surprise them with it after it arrives. The next day, Lucas finds a tea set in a box in the storage room at Glory Bell and shows it to everyone. The children, especially Dina, were enthralled with the tea set and started planning a tea party right away. Yugo, however, immediately became jealous that Lucas had been the one to discover the tea set as he was worried his discovery would make the box of cookies he requested seem less special and less impressive to everyone. Yugo blamed himself more and more for not having noticed the tea set sooner. Having been "beaten" by Lucas made him feel sick. If it had been another kid, he probably would not have felt the same. But Lucas was, for as long as he could remember, was his closest friend, and the one he could not accept losing to.[1]

On the day of the tea party, Yugo grabbed Lucas by the collar with such force that he bumped against a table knocking one of the tea cups on to the floor, shattering it. Dina was devastated that Yugo had broke the precious cup and ran out of the room crying, causing Yugo to instantly feel guilty and regret his actions. Yugo and Lucas then go for a walk in the woods and talk things out. When they return, they discover that Nicolas had fixed the broken tea cup so that it would not leak and only looked chipped and could be used in the tea party. Dina then revealed to Yugo that the tea party was to celebrate him getting perfect scores on his daily tests for a month straight. The children then continued with their tea party and ate the big box of cookies that Yugo had requested for them.[1]

When Yugo, Lucas, Dina and sixteen other children escaped from Glory Bell in 2033, they took the tea set with them. After all of Yugo's friends were massacred by the "Poachers" he began to treasure the tea set, and in particular the chipped teacup, more as it represented a happy memory from his childhood with all of his siblings. On the day the Grace Field escapees arrived at the Shelter, Yugo had gone mad and thrown the cup across the room causing it to crack and break again. He was getting ready to commit suicide, but was stopped when the Grace Field escapees entered the Shelter.[1]


Search For Minerva Arc[]

When the Grace Field escapees entered the Shelter, they discover Yugo in the monitor room pretending to drink tea out of the broken tea cup while eating a box of cookies. Later, Yugo tells the younger children not to break anything in the Shelter, but immediately after he says this, Alicia picks up his teacup and jokingly threatens to break it which causes Yugo to panic.[2][3]

In Offscene 020, Emma and Mark discover the box containing the rest of the tea set in the Shelter. It contains a note written by Dina on the day the Glory Bell escapees departed for Goldy Pond in 2033, encouraging the future inhabitants of the Shelter to have a fun tea party with it.[4]



  • Yugo's teacup, along with the rest of the tea set, was presumably destroyed when Lucas blew up the Shelter after Andrew and his team ambushed it.


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