The Promised Neverland Wiki
The Promised Neverland Wiki

The Mechanical Engineering and Human History is a book written by Alex Mikhaylov and published in 2015. The book has a copy placed in Grace Field House Plant 3's library and Ray can be seen reading it at some points in the manga and anime.


The Mechanical Engineering and Human History is a book written by Alex Mikhaylov and published in 2015. There was a copy of the book in Grace Field House Plant 3's library. The actual contents of the book are unknown.


Introduction Arc[]

The Mechanical Engineering and Human History was the most recently published book in Grace Field House Plant 3's library which led Emma, Ray, and Norman to believe the world was "normal" up until 2015 and something drastic happened to the world and humanity between 2015 and 2045.[1]

Promised Forest Arc[]

Emma, Ray, and Norman's theory about the world is proven wrong when Emma and Ray ask Sonju what happened to the world 30 years ago, to which Sonju says the world has been the way it is for over 1,000 years due to an agreement made between humans and demons called "The Promise" and nothing much has happened since.[2]

King of Paradise Arc[]

In a side story in Chapter 113, there is a flashback to James and Peter Ratri's childhood, in which Peter offers to help James carry a stack of books and in return James offers to read Peter a book of his choice and Peter chooses The Mechanical Engineering and Human History.[3]

Human World Arc[]

In "The Promised Neverland offscene 027", the elderly man who takes in Emma in the Human World after she developed amnesia due to the promise with Him, is revealed to be named Alex Mikhaylov. Ray and Norman immediately recognize the name as belonging to the author of The Mechanical Engineering and Human History.[4]

Moms' Song of Remembrance[]

In the second light novel, on the day before Leslie's shipment, Isabella helps Leslie accomplish an old list of goals he had written down of things he wanted to do before he left the House. One of the things on his list was to read every book in the library. Knowing that would be impossible to do in one day, they settle on reading one book together instead. That book is The Mechanical Engineering and Human History.[5]



  • Throughout the series, there are shown to be three separate copies of the book in existence.


  1. The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 4
  2. The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 47
  3. The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 113 Side Story 10
  4. The Promised Neverland manga: offscene 027
  5. Moms' Song of Remembrance: Chapter 1

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