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This article is about the The Parodied Jokeland version of Test Scores. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.

Grace Field House Numbering manga

The test score sheet of children living at Grace Field House Plant 3 in 2045.

Test Scores are the system used to determine the order that orphans will be shipped out in.

Understanding and Analysis[]

Everyday, the orphans are required to take tests under the guise of "schooling" which will make them more academically/mentally inclined. When in fact, these tests are designed to determine their quality as livestock. These tests are given daily in order to polish the brains of the children. The shipping order of all the children is based on how high they score on the IQ test, with the lowest scoring child at each plantation being shipped out roughly once every two months.[1]

Grace Field is regarded as the top Premium Farm with the hardest tests. The tests at Grace Field House focus on mathematics, information analysis, problem solving, imagination, concentration, calculation ability, insight and logic ability. Problems are distributed according to age group and there are two types of tests for each age group and sixty questions per type or 120 questions in total per age group per test. This also means that each question must be worth 2.5 points as the highest score a child can receive on a test is 300.[2] The tests are also timed. Each child is only given ten seconds to answer each question. If they fail to get their answer in on time, they lose points. Taking of tests starts at four years old, those who are below four years are playing in a nearby room. All the children (except those that scored full marks) are given homework, as shown in the extra pages of Volume 3 of the manga.[3] If a child scores lower than 120, their shipment date will be hastened.

On the test score sheets which compile the test score data of all children over the age of four at each Plant, there are seven test score columns. Going left to right, the first column is Avg.1 which is the average test scores from the past 1/2 months. The second column is Avg.2 which is the average score since the child began taking tests at age four. The remaining five columns on the right show the daily test scores from the last five days. Shipping order is mostly decided from Avg.1.[4]

The diagram below is organized from highest to lowest score.

Name ID Number Age Avg.1 Avg.2 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12
Norman 22194 11 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Ray 81194 11 300 292 300 300 300 300 300
Emma 63194 11 300 265 300 300 300 300 300
Gilda 65194 10 205 231 201 210 210 200 208
Don 16194 10 198 228 200 196 191 186 201
Phil 34394 4 195 160 192 189 196 198 203
Lannion 54294 7 192 173 185 180 196 190 193
Rossi 50394 5 183 159 180 175 186 182 175
Sherry 74394 4 182 150 179 175 186 185 184
Anna 48194 9 181 180 174 183 185 179 184
Nat 30294 9 176 178 178 174 176 174 175
Marnya 42394 4 172 154 169 163 173 178 176
Jasper 04394 4 169 152 172 166 171 168 171
Yvette 59294 5 166 159 168 195 142 158 131
Thoma 55294 7 165 157 158 148 170 162 172
Naila 53394 4 165 151 163 157 167 163 169
Hans 82394 4 162 160 161 166 164 159 162
Jemima 31394 5 156 143 162 155 158 159 154
Dominic 07294 6 154 132 141 148 156 158 149
Mark 79294 5 153 130 148 150 155 143 132
Chris 70394 5 151 137 157 153 148 154 151
Alicia 71394 5 151 131 149 151 153 148 149
Conny 48294 6 120 98 113 120 112 115 126




  1. The Promised Neverland Manga: Chapter 14, Page 4
  2. The Promised Neverland Manga: Chapter 1, Page 12-16
  3. The Promised Neverland Manga: Volume 3, Extra Page: Grace Field House Time Schedule
  4. The Promised Neverland Fanbook

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