The Promised Neverland Wiki
The Promised Neverland Wiki

This article is about the Anime version of Mujika. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.

Mujika (ムジカ) is a demon traveling in the forest outside the Grace Field House. Together with Sonju, she belongs to a religion known as Heathens, which are shunned by other demons for their behavior of restraining themselves from consuming human flesh. Mujika saved Emma and the other orphans from Grace Field House from the pursuing demons and informed the former about many threats from her own society.


Mujika was born 700 years ago. She is a demon who has never eaten a human. She first appeared as a savior in a starving town. She could give her powers to others with only her blood. The surrounding communities drank her blood and that demons don't need to eat humans and they maintain the powers of Mujika, But the king and the nobles who found out and they captured and killed them, because they feared her powers. Mujika and Sonju survived so they are travelling to avoid being captured.[1]


Mujika Appearance

Mujika is a beautiful, human-looking demon and can pass for a human with a cloak on. She has a pale complexion and long, purple hair in braided pigtails, that covers parts of her horns wears a long, floor length, layered, white dress with a cropped blue cloak over top with a bow and a hood. She also wears a white mask that covers her upper part of her face and two small horns and has purple eyes.


Mujika deceived the children through an accommodating and kind attitude. She initially wanted to capture them and return them back to Grace Field – a selfish way for her and Sonju to be granted with an "easy life" for half a year. Nevertheless, she agreed with Sonju to rescue the escapees instead and kept both hers and his real, personal intentions of saving them.

According to Sonju, Mujika tends to be easily attached to others. This is shown when she started to actually care towards Emma and the escapees, often warning the former about dangers. Therefore, these actions showed how there are still some positive traits within her.

Due to being the only one surviving out of her friends and family due to being "different" from every other demon, Mujika began questioning her purpose in life and why she was alive. She couldn't make up her mind if she was glad she was born or not. After meeting Emma, Mujika thought that she was born to break the separation between humans and demons.


Promised Forest Arc[]

Mujika's debut

Mujika saved Emma and the children

After the news of several Grace Field orphans who had escaped reached Sonju and Mujika, the two ran into Emma, Ray and the other Grace Field escapees by coincidence, who were lost within the forest. [2]

Sonju and Mujika successfully rescued the Grace Field escapees from several demons as they brought them to their secret territory within a cave. The two aided in Emma's ear injury and provided hospitality for the orphans. Mujika taught the kids about basic survival knowledge throughout their travels to Shelter B06-32.[3]


Mujika gave her amulet to Emma

Mujika sat down next to Emma and Emma shows the pictures of her family to Mujka. Emma said to Mujika that she made a promised to Norman that they will going to escape and she said Mujika is different from other demons but she noticed that demons seems to appeared in different size and shape and Mujika said Emma is right she added that the humans are different from other living creatures and humans are not enemies or food. Mujika is so glad to meet Emma and the children and Emma is glad to, After Emma and the orphans departed, Sonju told Mujika on how he had hopes on Emma and her friends in bringing an end to The Promise, as he expressed his desire in breaking free from the restraint of eating humans due to his and Mujika's religious views as Heathens. Mujika did not respond, as she stared emotionlessly at her friend.[4]

King of Paradise Arc[]

Emma and Ray learn about Mujika that she is a savior and that if any demon drinks her blood there is no need for demon to eat humans. But the king and the nobles are afraid of her power so she and Sonju hide from them. Emma and Ray need to find Sonju and Mujika in five days.[5] Mujika saw the amulet she gave to Emma and she sees Emma and she gives it again. They ask Sonju and Mujika for help and they agreed, and they go to the demon village.[6]

Mujika helping the demon kids

Mujika helping the 2 young demons.

She gives the glass with blood to the female demon and Mujika said to drink this blood to everyone so they will not degenerate again. In the outside of the village. Mujika and Sonju came and Mujika says almost all the demons in the village are back to normal and they will just only give their blood to one another. Mujika saw the two young demons and gives the glass filled with blood to the two young demons and they came back to the temple. Mujika and Sonju arrive and Sonju says that the town is okay, but Mujika says if the farms find out about it they will come after the village. Vylk says it is okay and introduces himself to Mujika. He tells her that he is one of the last survivors from 700 yrs ago.[7]

Return to Grace Field Arc[]

Evil blooded girl

Peter Ratri saw Mujika.

Mujika was one of those who helped and prepared to rescue the children on the farms. Emma apologized because Mujika and Sonju were involved again, But Mujika said they were friends. Ratri still believes he is safe and already won due to backup coming, however the backup was dispatched by civilians of the demon town along with Mujika, Sonju and Vylk, in an uprising against the farms. Vylk breaks into the elevator chamber and he said to Ratri that he is thankful because they already have the power of the evil blood so they don't need to eat the children anymore. Horrified at seeing Mujika with him, Ratri breaks down, unable to accept it.[8] Mujika helped Emma and her family to change the world of demons.

Imperial Capital Battle Arc[]

Mujika became quuen

It has not yet been shown what really Mujika did in this arc. But she can help fight the Kingdom of demons and its queen. Mujika and Sonju talk to an old demon who probably helped Mujika to become the new queen of demons. When Mujika became queen, she said goodbye to Emma.[8]

Skills and Abilities[]

Evil Blood[]

Mujika is a special demon who retains the characteristics and sapience of humans without requiring to consume them. Other demons who ingest a drop of her blood gain the same abilities and are also able to spread this unique body composition to other demons.


As the queen of demons, She was able to rule the demons that were no longer under the leadership of the farms and its former kings and queens. He can show what former kings and queens failed to do in the demon world. Mujika is definitely a good and loving queen.



Sonju and Mujika are of the same religion of exercising the restraint of eating humans and Sonju considers Mujika to be a close ally. Despite the two having a close relationship, both of their intentions occasionally clash, such as when Mujika is seemingly defiant of Sonju's desire to resume his practice of eating humans.


Out of all the orphans, Emma was the closest to Mujika, as Mujika wishes to be her friend and treated Emma like a daughter. Mujika eventually grew more affectionate and accommodating, as she was willing to listen to Emma's stories and relate to Emma's pain of losing Norman.[citation needed]

In the end, Mujika slowly grows genuine care and concern for the orphans, as pointed out by Sonju that she has been getting attached to them.[9] Mujika also grew to be trustful to Emma, as she believed how she is able to search for The Seven Walls and passed her an eye-shaped locket as a "lucky charm".

When Emma learned about Mujika and that Norman still wants to kill her and Sonju, Emma told Norman that she didn't want Mujika and Sonju to be killed because they are good demons.


Grace Field Escapees[]

When the news of the escape of the Grace Field orphans spread to her. Mujika initially suggested capturing them and bringing them back to Grace Field, but later agreed with Sonju to protect and rescue the orphans from getting hunted by the demons from the farms instead.[10]

Mujika aided them and provided hospitality, and when she was around them, put on a motherly and loving persona to conceal her actual intention of capturing them; stemming from how she followed Sonju's then-hidden intention of considering them a way to break The Promise that was created, and eventually, a way for him (and Mujika) to break free of his restraint from consuming human flesh. However, she formed an attachment to the Escapees (Particularly Emma).[2]



  • The following are Mujika's rankings in some of The Promised Neverland's official popularity polls.
    • In Viz Media's popularity poll released on February 5, 2021 alongside Episode 17, Mujika is in 6th place.
  • It is implied by Mujika herself that she looked different prior to the beginning of the series.[11]
  • Mujika is the first female demon introduced in the series.


  1. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 19.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 13.
  3. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 14.
  4. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 15.
  5. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 19.
  6. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 20.
  7. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 21
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 22
  9. The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 51, page 10
  10. The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 51, page 11
  11. The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 50, page 18

Site Navigation[]

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The Promised Neverland Characters
Main Characters: Emma  •  Norman  •  Ray
Grace Field Escapees: Alicia  •  Anna  •  Chris  •  Dominic  •  Don  •  Emma  •  Gilda  •  Jemima  •  Lannion  •  Mark  •  Nat  •  Ray  •  Rossi  •  Thoma  •  Yvette
Shipped Out: Conny  •  Leslie  •  Michelle  •  Norman  •  Olivia  •  Simon  •  Susan  •  Robert  •  Marcus  •  Abby  •  Cecile  •  Hao  •  Sadie  •  Chucky  •  Jimmy  •  Helena  •  James  •  Gary  •  Light-haired boy  •  Black-haired girl  •  Light-haired girl  •  Kate  •  Hana  •  Cindy  •  Eric  •  Grant  •  Mack  •  Rosie  •  Gotao?  •  Adela  •  Bethany
Grace Field House Orphans: Phil  •  Carol  •  Chamberlain  •  Dalia  •  Damdin  •  Eugene  •  Hans  •  Jasper  •  Marnya  •  Naila  •  Nina  •  Sherry  •  Tom  •  Vivian  •  Charlie  •  Milly  •  Jackie  •  Helen  •  Gray-haired girl  •  Brown-haired girl  •  Light brown-haired boy  •  Dark brown-haired boy  •  Blonde-haired boy  •  Black-haired boy  •  Mike
Caretakers: Krone  •  Isabella  •  Previous Grandmother  •  Sarah  •  Yukko  •  Sienna  •  Scarlet  •  Matilda  •  Jessica
Ratri Clan: Andrew  •  Julius Ratri  •  Mike Ratri  •  Peter Ratri  •  William Minerva
Minerva's Group: Ayshe  •  Barbara  •  Cislo  •  Hayato  •  Jin  •  Smee  •  Vincent  •  Zazie
Goldy Pond: Adam  •  Gillian  •  Jake  •  Monica  •  Nigel  •  Oliver  •  Paula  •  Pepe  •  Sandy  •  Sonya  •  Theo  •  Violet  •  Windmill Boy  •  Zack  •  Johnny  •  Fred  •  Mary  •  Malcolm  •  Elliot  •  Michael  •  Lucy  •  Lala  •  Emilia  •  Sophie
Glory Bell Escapees: Yugo  •  Lucas  •  Dina  •  Nicolas  •  Erica  •  Mike  •  John  •  Anny  •  Walter  •  Maria  •  Damian  •  Viviana  •  Flore  •  Abel  •  Pedro  •  Jatte  •  Hilda  •  Bess  •  Stacie
Ancestors: Julius Ratri  •  Bald man  •  Bearded man  •  Black-haired man  •  Orange-haired man  •  White-haired woman
Other humans: Margo  •  Rita  •  Leo  •  Father  •  Mr. Mendel  •  Alex Mikhaylov  •  Ugo
Royal Family: DemonKing Name  •  Legravalima
Five Regent Families: Bayon II  •  Dozza  •  Geelan  •  Pupo  •  Noum  •  Yverk  •  Noumu  •  Former Lord Noum  •  Lady Bayon  •  Bayon II's child  •  Bayon II's baby
Heathens: Mujika  •  Sonju
Poachers: Bayon  •  Leuvis  •  Luce  •  Nouma  •  Nous  •  Palvus  •  Luce's servants  •  Bayon's servants
Civilians: Ayshe's father  •  Awla  •  Mawla  •  Vylk  •  Emma (Demon)  •  Grace Field Boss Demon  •  The Pursuer  •  Mawla and Awla's mother  •  Mawla and Awla's father  •  The High Priest  •  The Four Sages
Animals: Palvus  •  Sonju's horse  •  Cuvitidala Dragon  •  Minerva's Owl  •  Ayshe's dogs  •  Goowee  •  Marvine  •  Flying newts  •  Betty  •  Oscar  •  Samuel  •  Susie  •  NER
Groups: Ancestors  •  Andrew's Teammates  •  Bayon's servants  •  Demons  •  Five Regent Families  •  Goldy Pond Resistance  •  Grandmas  •  Heathens  •  Luce's servants  •  Mamas  •  Orphans  •  Poachers  •  Ratri Clan  •  Sisters