The Promised Neverland Wiki
The Promised Neverland Wiki
The Promised Neverland Wiki

This article is about the Manga version of Minerva's Morse Code. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.

This article has information that is written from an out-of-universe perspective. To know more, scroll down to "See Also".

The books sent to Grace Field House by William Minerva are all very subtle messages for the kids, from what the orphanage wants to do with the kids to how to survive should they manage to escape. Minerva's stamp (ex libris) on the inner front cover of selected books has imperfections on the ring surrounding its owl emblem that, upon closer examination, spell out words in Morse code, for instance, and that is the least hidden of his messages.

These ex libris in the books were discovered by Phil and were further exposed by Emma. The following are the terms that can be seen.



Morse code is a cipher that encodes text characters as standardized sequences of two signals, "dots" and "dashes". The morse code is first invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1838 to send signals by telegraph.

Morse based his code on short and long buzzes. When the code is written out, a dot represents a short buzz and a dash a long buzz. When Morse code became widely used, S.O.S. (··· ––– ···) was chosen as an international distress signal because the combination of the letter O's 3 dashes (–––) and the letter S's 3 dots (···) is easy to transmit and recognize in Morse code.

Usage in the story[]

Eventually, William Minerva chose the Morse code as a method to warn the orphans of the secrets and dangers lurking inside and outside the orphanages. Minerva owned several books which have his logo attached to each of them as Ex Libris, they were later exported to the libraries of the premium farms. These Ex Libris are specifically directed to the orphans as secret messages for them to decode.

After decoding[]

There are eight books that contain William Minerva's Morse code that once deciphered, will convey messages to the orphans.[1]

  • Run (·–· ··–· –·)


  • Doubt (–·· ··· ··–· –··· –)


    • There are no adults they can trust. They doubt the things they know. Norman said that in reality they know nothing.[5][6]
  • Danger (–·· ·– –· ––· · ·–·)
  • They know that the Demons are very dangerous/they could be in serious danger if they get caught.


  • Truth (- ·–· ··–· – ····)


    • They realize the truth that they are food for the Demons.[7]
  • Harvest (···· ·– ·–· ···– · ··· –)


    • This is about Demons farming Humans in the Plantations.[8][9]
  • Monster (–– ––– –· ··· – · ·–·)


  • Farm (··–· ·– ·–· ––)


  • Promise (.--. .-. --- -- .. ... .)
    Promise morse code


  • Touch Me (- --- ..- -.-. .... / -- .)
    Touch me morse code manga

    "Touch Me"

  • Pen (.--. . -.)
    Minerva's morse code pen


It is later revealed that Minerva also wrote a letter to the escaped children once they reached the shelter.[13] In the first letter found by Mister and later by Ray, Minerva congratulated the children on their successful escape from their plantations and that he is waiting for them at a similar shelter located at A08-63.[14]

In Goldy Pond, Emma and Lucas discovered additional Morse code on Minerva's Door, reading as "Pen", alluding that the Promised Pen is the key to opening the door[15]


Jailbreak Arc[]

Promised Forest Arc[]

After the children escape from Grace Field, they discover that the Promised Pen has Morse code on the virtual navigation map which translates to "Touch Me". After touching the map, a box pops up with a virtual keyboard and the numbers "13-18-02". The children then realize they need to type a password into the box and that the one book from Grace Field's library that contained Minerva's owl bookplate but had no Morse code contains the password. By opening the book to page 18 and going to line 18, the second word is "Human" which turns out to be the password. After entering "Human" into the box a message from William Minerva telling the escapees to head to B06-32 is revealed.

Search For Minerva Arc[]

Anime and Manga Differences[]

Live Action and Manga Differences[]



  • It was Posuka who came up with the Owl logo on bookplates. Multiple motifs were proposed and the owl logo was a perfect fit.[16]
  • There is one book that contains Minerva's owl bookplate, but has no Morse Code on it - signaling that that book contains important messages for the orphans, but conveys it in a different way.

See Also[]


Site Navigation[]

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