The Promised Neverland Wiki
The Promised Neverland Wiki

This article is about the Live Action version of Lannion. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.

Lannion (ラニオン, Ranion) is a orphan who formerly resided at Grace Field House Plant 3. He is a supporting character in The Promised Neverland.


Lannion was a boy who formerly resided at Grace Field House Plant 3 as one of the many foster children of Isabella. He escaped the house along with the rest of his siblings who were over the age of 5.


Lannion has wild black hair that sticks up in all directions and monolid eyes. He wears the standard Grace Field uniform- a plain white long sleeved button-up shirt and white pants along with brown boots. His identification number, "54294", is tattooed onto the left side of his neck.


Lannion is best friends with Thoma and together the two enjoy pulling pranks and getting into mischief.



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The Promised Neverland Characters
Main Characters: Emma  •  Norman  •  Ray
Grace Field Escapees: Alicia  •  Anna  •  Chris  •  Dominic  •  Don  •  Emma  •  Gilda  •  Jemima  •  Lannion  •  Mark  •  Nat  •  Ray  •  Rossi  •  Thoma  •  Yvette
Shipped Out: Conny  •  Leslie  •  Michelle  •  Norman  •  Olivia  •  Simon  •  Susan  •  Robert  •  Marcus  •  Abby  •  Cecile  •  Hao  •  Sadie  •  Chucky  •  Jimmy  •  Helena  •  James  •  Gary  •  Light-haired boy  •  Black-haired girl  •  Light-haired girl  •  Kate  •  Hana  •  Cindy  •  Eric  •  Grant  •  Mack  •  Rosie  •  Gotao?  •  Adela  •  Bethany
Grace Field House Orphans: Phil  •  Carol  •  Chamberlain  •  Dalia  •  Damdin  •  Eugene  •  Hans  •  Jasper  •  Marnya  •  Naila  •  Nina  •  Sherry  •  Tom  •  Vivian  •  Charlie  •  Milly  •  Jackie  •  Helen  •  Gray-haired girl  •  Brown-haired girl  •  Light brown-haired boy  •  Dark brown-haired boy  •  Blonde-haired boy  •  Black-haired boy  •  Mike
Caretakers: Krone  •  Isabella  •  Previous Grandmother  •  Sarah  •  Yukko  •  Sienna  •  Scarlet  •  Matilda  •  Jessica
Ratri Clan: Andrew  •  Julius Ratri  •  Mike Ratri  •  Peter Ratri  •  William Minerva
Minerva's Group: Ayshe  •  Barbara  •  Cislo  •  Hayato  •  Jin  •  Smee  •  Vincent  •  Zazie
Goldy Pond: Adam  •  Gillian  •  Jake  •  Monica  •  Nigel  •  Oliver  •  Paula  •  Pepe  •  Sandy  •  Sonya  •  Theo  •  Violet  •  Windmill Boy  •  Zack  •  Johnny  •  Fred  •  Mary  •  Malcolm  •  Elliot  •  Michael  •  Lucy  •  Lala  •  Emilia  •  Sophie
Glory Bell Escapees: Yugo  •  Lucas  •  Dina  •  Nicolas  •  Erica  •  Mike  •  John  •  Anny  •  Walter  •  Maria  •  Damian  •  Viviana  •  Flore  •  Abel  •  Pedro  •  Jatte  •  Hilda  •  Bess  •  Stacie
Ancestors: Julius Ratri  •  Bald man  •  Bearded man  •  Black-haired man  •  Orange-haired man  •  White-haired woman
Other humans: Margo  •  Rita  •  Leo  •  Father  •  Mr. Mendel  •  Alex Mikhaylov  •  Ugo
Royal Family: DemonKing Name  •  Legravalima
Five Regent Families: Bayon II  •  Dozza  •  Geelan  •  Pupo  •  Noum  •  Yverk  •  Noumu  •  Former Lord Noum  •  Lady Bayon  •  Bayon II's child  •  Bayon II's baby
Heathens: Mujika  •  Sonju
Poachers: Bayon  •  Leuvis  •  Luce  •  Nouma  •  Nous  •  Palvus  •  Luce's servants  •  Bayon's servants
Civilians: Ayshe's father  •  Awla  •  Mawla  •  Vylk  •  Emma (Demon)  •  Grace Field Boss Demon  •  The Pursuer  •  Mawla and Awla's mother  •  Mawla and Awla's father  •  The High Priest  •  The Four Sages
Animals: Palvus  •  Sonju's horse  •  Cuvitidala Dragon  •  Minerva's Owl  •  Ayshe's dogs  •  Goowee  •  Marvine  •  Flying newts  •  Betty  •  Oscar  •  Samuel  •  Susie  •  NER
Groups: Ancestors  •  Andrew's Teammates  •  Bayon's servants  •  Demons  •  Five Regent Families  •  Goldy Pond Resistance  •  Grandmas  •  Heathens  •  Luce's servants  •  Mamas  •  Orphans  •  Poachers  •  Ratri Clan  •  Sisters