Answer After 13 Years (13
It doesn’t take long however for things to turn back around in the favor of the kids. A character we thought was killed, returns to do battle. In short order the kids have Bayon right where they want him.
Gillian doesn't want Nigel to sacrifice himself, but Nigel cannot allow himself to see Gillian being killed, coming out to save her. They both have soon accepted to fight alongside each other together.
Lord Bayon then proceed to congratulate the duo for killing Luce and his men, as well as his two subordinates with their guns, claiming it was a magnificent work. Despite both not knowing what he was talking about. Bayon has never thought of the Grand Valley Childrens being so magnificent. And proceed to question where did they obtain information of their killing method. Quickly noticing that there is an ringleader guiding all the children, causing an uprising.
Nigel quickly realises that he is seeking out Lucas to suppress the uprising. Instinctively, he told Gillian to run away with him as fast as possible. Pretending to flee whilst keeping him away from other groups of children. However, Bayon quickly snatches Gillian, giving her a deep massive cut on the back, threatening Nigel to give out the information on the ringleader, or he may face Gillian bleed to death before his eyes.
A mysterious character came out of nowhere, throwing a smoke bomb towards Bayon. In the blink of an eye, Nigel grabs Gillian away from Bayon. The mysterious character later revealed to be Pepe, who Nigel previously thought was dead. Pepe asks Nigel to follow him as he has a plan, to kill Bayon once and for all.