An Old Tale (
We learn that the world hasn’t been in the hands of the demons for a mere thirty years, but rather thousands.
As we learn that the world hasn’t been in the hands of the demons for a mere thirty years, but rather thousands. It’s here the manga reveals it’s more alternate history than alternate future, with the manga having an entirely different world building than our true history. It also takes the opportunity to smack down the alien planet theory that’s been running around.
When Ray and Emma have just heard all the history. We think they’re wallowing in despair but they’re jumping for joy, that means they can escape the world of demons to the world of humans.
When recounting the history Sonju makes it clear there’s the Demon ‘world’ and the human ‘world'. Sonju reveals that you can’t cross over to the human world as the path is blocked. Again Emma and Ray despair before pronouncing that they’ll be fine.
Research Elements[]
In this chapter we have the following Research Elements:
- The cover page is a homage to One Piece's 20th anniversary.
- The cover art for this chapter won the Best Color Illustration Poll alongside Chapter 10.