Doomed (アウト, Auto?) is the nineteenth chapter of The Promised Neverland manga. It is adapted into episode 6 of the anime.
It is currently Wednesday, 11/1. Emma, Ray Norman, Don, and Gilda prepare for the investigation. Ray reports to Isabella and she informs Ray about HQ's shipment schedule. Krone shows herself to ask if the five of them would team up with her.
Emma apologies to Don and Gilda, as does Norman and even if Ray in his own way. Don apologizes too and the group squares this little tiff away. The next day, Wednesday Nov 1st, Norman continues to wonder to himself how to deceive Ray into escaping with everyone. During these thoughts Emma interrupts, having a plan to run by him. Norman notes that it is risky, but it might work, and they might even be able to deceive Ray with it.
Norman has Don and Gilda gather a few items, although he doesn’t say what for. Later the group decides to go scouting outside the wall, although Gilda is worried about the tracking devices. They reveal that all they need to do is keep Sister Krone or Mother from looking at their watches, if they can do that then they’ll be none the wiser. In fact, at that moment Ray is relaying Mother with false information about how Norman is trying to kill her. Ray asserts that Mother better not ship them out early, as apparently he’s been convincing her that all he’s ever wanted is for Norman and Emma to live to 12 years old without a care or worry.
Mother also lets him know when the next shipment is. There won’t be a regularly scheduled shipment for December, instead it’ll be in January, just in time for Ray’s 12th Birthday. January. 12th.
The rest of the group heads through the woods, discussing things and worrying about Sister Krone’s possible involvement. But Sister pops out at that moment, startling the group and announcing to them that she knows everything. Don, Emma and Gilda are freaked as Sister rattles off all five names of their group. But just as things look bad, Sister Krone asks if they’d perhaps like to join forces.
Research Elements[]
In this chapter we have the following Research Elements: