Shackles (足枷, Ashikase?) is the one-hundred-sixtieth chapter of The Promised Neverland manga.
The events prior to the imperial capital battle are revealed, including the deal between Peter Ratri and Queen Legravalima. Emma, Ray, and Norman reunite with Don, Gilda, Hayato, and Ayshe on their way to the Paradise Hideout and reunite with Oliver's group. Meanwhile, Gillian arrives at the hideout and notices that all children have disappeared.
The Ratri Clan is not able to betray the demons. If anyone is discovered doing so, it's the whole clan's blunder. As such, the previous head, James Ratri and his comrades, posed as William Minerva and his supporters. They led cattle children to escape. Personally helped them and also were conspirators to the destruction of Lambda.
That is why to deal with the escapees. They have no choice but to move in secret. This is the perfect opportunity to strike the royal capital castle as they're desperate to catch the children without arousing suspicion from the demons.
In a flashback, Peter Ratri contemplates telling the Demons everything as dealing with this in secret is no longer possible, much to his supporters' protest. He convinces that this is the only way to control the cattle children.
At the palace, Peter asks for the Queen Legravalima's help capturing the escapees and offering them to her. He implores her majesty. The Queen accepts Peter's proposal and lends him 2000 of her troops. However, he must reveal it to no one and bring the children to only her or lest Peter's head is the one on a plate.
Emma, Ray, and Norman, don't know what to do to keep Peter's forces at bay. But that doesn't stop them. The trio goes to look for reinforcement and runs into Don and Gilda. Norman is a bit hesitant to join them in a group hug. But Don and Gilda welcome Norman with open arms. But the children don't have much time before Peter forces catch up to them. They must meet up with Oliver's group too and make a new plan.
Gillian is looking around for the children, but she cannot seem to find them. It appears that they have disappeared into thin air.