The Promised Neverland Wiki
The Promised Neverland Wiki

Let's End This (終わりにしましょう, Owari ni shimashō?) is the one-hundred-fifty-sixth chapter of The Promised Neverland manga.


Norman, Emma and Ray are forced to fight against the true form of Queen Legravalima. Mujika and Sonju quickly come to their rescue, which culminates in the revelation that Sonju is Legravalima's younger brother.


The Queen reveals her horrendous form to Emma and her group. Norman notes that she has no face, while Emma remembers one of the drawings from the tablet having the same form as the Queen currently.

The faceless figure now talks, expressing glee at the quality of food that's in front of her, stating it to be fitting of a being of her calibre. She recognizes Norman, Emma and Ray as being from Grace Field. She adds on that someone was indeed speaking the truth about the Grace Field kids being alive. The Queen says she will forgive the Grace Field and Lambda kids for everything. She then proceeds to pull in Zazie and prepares to eat him. Her face suddenly distorts and several mouths appear from it.

Emma readies her gun, and Zazie slashes at the Queen, splitting her into two. She reforms her body within seconds, and proceeds to knock out Zazie with her hand. Norman rushes to her side, while Emma still has her gun held up at the Queen.

The superior being taunts her and Ray, asking if they are both intending on shooting. While with Zazie, Norman is panicking, realizing that the Queen having no head means she has no core. He despairs over finding a way to beat her. Both Emma and Ray realize that their guns probably will do no good, but they can at least get information out of the Queen.

A vile aura suddenly leaks out of the Queen, rooting both Emma and Ray to the ground. They're stunned still. She then holds both Emma and Ray up, thinking back to her sons. Tears start to leak from her eyes, as she remembers how her sons conspired to seal her several years ago. Dealt the ultimate betrayal by family, she realizes both Emma and Ray are doing the same now.

Just before she devours anyone, projectiles shoot from the window of the palace, impaling the Queen. Sonju and Mujika have arrived. After checking on their health, Mujika reassures them that all the panic in the capitol has been put to a halt. Sonju states that he showed the humans an escape route, something that Emma is sorely grateful for.

Removing the projectiles from her body, Sonju realizes how monstrous the Queen looks currently. He then tells Ray and Emma peace is impossible with how things are looking. Mujika attests to this as well, considering the Five royals are all dead. Sonju boldly states that he will kill the Queen, a statement she finds laughable. She then refers to him as her little brother.


  1. Ray
  2. Norman
  3. Legravalima
  4. Emma
  5. Zazie
  6. Sonju
  7. Mujika
  8. Don (flashback)
  9. Gilda (flashback)

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The Promised Neverland
[v  e]
By Volume
Volume 1 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7
Volume 2 8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16
Volume 3 17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  21.5  •  22  •  23  •  23.5  •  24  •  25
Volume 4 27  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34
Volume 5 35  •  36  •  37  •  38  •  39  •  40  •  41  •  42  •  43
Volume 6 44  •  45  •  46  •  47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52
Volume 7 53  •  54  •  55  •  56  •  57  •  58  •  59  •  60  •  61
Volume 8 62  •  63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68  •  69  •  70
Volume 9 71  •  72  •  73  •  74  •  75  •  76  •  77  •  78  •  79
Volume 10 80  •  81  •  82  •  83  •  84  •  85  •  86  •  87  •  88
Volume 11 89  •  90  •  91  •  92  •  93  •  94  •  95  •  96  •  97  •  97.5
Volume 12 98  •  99  •  100  •  101  •  102  •  103  •  104  •  105  •  106
Volume 13 107  •  108  •  109  •  110  •  111  •  112  •  113  •  114  •  115
Volume 14 116  •  117  •  118  •  119  •  120  •  121  •  122  •  123  •  124
Volume 15 125  •  126  •  127  •  128  •  129  •  130  •  131  •  132  •  133
Volume 16 134  •  135  •  136  •  137  •  128  •  139  •  140  •  141  •  142  •  143
Volume 17 144  •  145  •  146  •  147  •  148  •  149  •  150  •  151  •  152
Volume 18 153  •  154  •  155  •  156  •  157  •  158  •  159  •  160  •  161
Volume 19 162  •  163  •  164  •  165  •  166  •  167  •  168  •  169  •  170
Volume 20 171  •  172  •  173  •  174  •  175  •  176  •  177  •  178  •  179  •  180  •  181
Special Chapters 181.1  •  181.2  •  181.3  •  181.4  •  181.5
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By Story Arcs
Introduction 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5
6  •  7  •  8  •  9
Jailbreak 10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15
16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20
21  •  21.5  •  22  •  23  •  23.5  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28
29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34  •  35  •  36  •  37
Promised Forest 38  •  39  •  40  •  41  •  42
43  •  44  •  45  •  46
47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52
Search For Minerva 53  •  54  •  55  •  56  •  57  •  58  •  59
60  •  61  •  62  •  63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68
69  •  70  •  71  •  72  •  73  •  74
Goldy Pond Battle 75  •  76  •  77  •  78  •  79  •  80  •  81
82  •  83  •  84  •  85  •  86  •  87
88  •  89  •  90  •  91  •  92  •  93  •  94  •  95
Cuvitidala 96  •  97  •  97.5  •  98  •  99  •  100  •  101
102  •  103  •  104  •  105  •  106
107  •  108  •  109  •  110  •  111  •  112
King of Paradise 113  •  114  •  115  •  116  •  117
118  •  119  •  120  •  121
122  •  123  •  124  •  125  •  126
127  •  128  •  129  •  130
Seven Walls 131  •  132  •  133  •  134  •  135  •  136
137  •  138  •  139  •  140
141  •  142  •  143  •  144  •  145
Imperial Capital Battle 146  •  147  •  148  •  149  •  150
151  •  152  •  153  •  154
155  •  156  •  157  •  158  •  159
Return to Grace Field 160  •  161  •  162  •  163  •  164  •  165
166  •  167  •  168  •  169  •  170
171  •  172  •  173  •  174
175  •  176  •  177  •  178
Human World 179  •  180  •  181
Special Chapters 181.1  •  181.2  •  181.3  •  181.4  •  181.5