Eliminate (抹殺, Massatsu?) is the one-hundred-forty-third chapter of The Promised Neverland manga.
reveals the price Emma has to pay to grant her wish. Meanwhile, Don, Gilda, Ayshe, and Hayato finds Mujika and Sonju, and clashing between the two parts begins.
Emma has asked for her wish, and in return, Him wants something of the young girl. In the meantime, Don, Gilda, Hayato, Ayshe, and her dogs are tracking down Sonju and Mujika. They find several footprints, but that was it. It seems that Sonju and Mujika have vanished into thin air.
Luckily, Ayshe's dogs find some hidden tracks that were the night before or early in the morning. The children are getting close. Even though Don and Gilda are happy, Hayato seems to be afraid that they found the cursed blood girl.
In a flashback, Hayato remembers the conversation he had with Vincent. When Hayato finds the cursed blood girl's location, he must use a small transmitter and contact Jin's group.
Back in the present, Hayato feels terrible for betraying his friends, but the future of the cattle children lies in this mission's success. With no other choice, he presses the transmitter.
Somewhere else, Sonjo and Mujica are taking a break when suddenly they meet the happy faces of Don and Gilda. The children run to the demons, and they embrace each other.
As soon as Hayato spots the demons, he presses the transmitter three times, alerting the other of their location. Ayshe tries to warn them, but Hayato puts a blade to her throat.
But before the humans can attempt, Sonju quickly surprises them with his speed and stands behind a scared Jin. It seems that the would-be attackers are at the mercy of the demon.