Mourning (追悼, Tsuitō?) is the one-hundred-twelfth chapter of The Promised Neverland manga.
Andrew is devoured by a demon. Emma tells everyone about Mister and Lucas. She also tells them their new plan. Meanwhile, James Ratri was informed of something starting.
As Andrew laughs at the children's hesitation, Oliver shoots his body, making him let go of Alicia. Zack takes Alicia while Emma runs for Dominic.
Andrew jumps at Dominic and plans to crush his head. Ray thinks about what Mister said before about the burden before preparing to shoot Andrew, but before he can pull the trigger, a wild demon gets close.
Emma rushes in to retrieve Dominic while Andrew gets devoured by the demon. They used that chance to escape.
They get back to their hiding place, and tells them what happened to Mister and Lucas.
Gillian reminisces her time with Mister and Lucas and breaks down crying. Immediately after, the others joined her. Paula hugs Gillian and tells her that it's okay to cry this time.
Meanwhile, Ray shoots down a mechanical owl with a camera installed and showed it to everyone. He said that it was the one that revealed their shelter's location to the enemies and said that they have also to abandon their current home.
After that, Oliver tells everyone about Lucas's note. Emma said that they would go to the place where they called for them.
Meanwhile, James Ratri wonders if it reached the transmission in time. Then a bald guy comes it saying that it's starting.