Makes Me Sick (
Andrew and his team have killed several of the escapees from Grace Field House and Grand Valley, and he will not stop until he gets every one of them.
But Lucas and Mister try to stall Andrew and his men to allow Emma and the children more time to escape.
The duo will do anything in their power to get them out alive, even if it means sacrificing their own lives.
Mister has a flashback to when he and several other children arrived at this shelter. They were hopeful. But things did not turn out well. Nevertheless, Lucas and Mister exact their revenge and allow Emma and the rest of the children to escape.
Lucas and Mister take out Andrew's men, one by one. But that only pushes Andrew to extreme measures, even if it means sacrificing his own men. Even so, Lucas picks them off one by one.
In a flashback, Dina wants Lucas and Mister to stop fighting. But the boys ignore her and continue with their play fight. In the end, they congratulate each other on work well done. Just like they are doing in the present.
The fighting and the dead bodies trigger Lucas's memories of how wrong he was to think that demons were the only enemy. Men like Andrew are also responsible for humans being treated like cattle.
Research Elements[]
In this chapter we have the following Research Elements: