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The Promised Neverland Wiki

Illusion (まやかし, Mayakashi?) is the one-hundred-fifth chapter of The Promised Neverland manga.


Andrew and his men have blocked all of the cattle children's exit routes. Now, how will they escape their impending doom?


While the children navigate through the cave, Ray and Mister discuss their suspicions on the enemies.

Why would the enemy only send eight people? Are they an elite squad that is confident enough to kill 60+ armed children How did they know the blind spots of the cameras? And how did they know the shelter's location. As Ray's questions pile up, his suspicions of failing to notice something crucial rises. He also deduces that the attack gives an impression of secrecy. A secret the Ratri Clan must absolutely hide.

Chris informs the rest of the group that they are close to the exit, immediately after he said that, two unnamed teenagers volunteered to open the gate. As Ray ushers Emma to talk, Chris noticed two falling bodies.

The two teenagers from earlier fell with bullet wounds on their heads, indicating that they have died. The other children looked at it with clear shock on their faces, Chris looks up to find Andrew aiming his gun towards him.

With Emma's quick reflexes, she saved Chris from his death, but he didn't come out safely. His head was grazed by the bullet, and fell unconscious. Gillian and the others quickly reacted and shot Andrew, their bullets seemed to but ineffective due to him wearing a bullet proof vest.

As the cattle children retreat back, Andrew introduces himself and have declared that he will kill them. He also told them during the past year and three months (21 months), they've gotten rid of their allies. Which explains the lack of communication between the two. He also told them that they knew everything about the shelter, it's structure, and it's defenses. He also informed them they've secured every exit.

Even though they are cornered, they approached their problems one by one. Mister instructed Thoma and Lannion to inform everyone on the back of their current situation. While Ray and Mister thinks of a way to escape, Emma laments and questions why humans like Andrew are trying to kill them.

Emma shouts at Andrew of their plans about the Seven Walls and to make a new Promise, hoping to make him understand why they are trying to protect their right of a normal life.

Andrew didn't budge. In fact he told them that he has more reason to kill them now that they know about the Seven Walls. He said that for them, the current system should not be disturbed. He then scoffs are their ambition to "protect their right to a normal life," and told them and misunderstood their place.

He told them that it was all a pipe dream, and they never had a normal life to begin with. He then throws down a gas grenade, Mister noticed this and immediately ordered for the fire doors to be closed.

Ray deduced that the fire wall wouldn't hold them for long, and desperately thinks on a way to escape.


  1. Emma
  2. Chris
  3. Numerous Unnamed Children
  4. Gillian
  5. Paula
  6. Adam
  7. Nigel
  8. Zack
  9. Oliver
  10. Mister
  11. Ray
  12. Alicia
  13. Two Unnamed Teenage Boys
  14. Thoma
  15. Lani
  16. Andrew
  17. Anna
  18. Yvette
  19. Theo
  20. Gilda
  21. Don
  22. Sandy
  23. Peter Ratri (flashback)

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The Promised Neverland
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By Volume
Volume 1 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7
Volume 2 8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16
Volume 3 17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  21.5  •  22  •  23  •  23.5  •  24  •  25
Volume 4 27  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34
Volume 5 35  •  36  •  37  •  38  •  39  •  40  •  41  •  42  •  43
Volume 6 44  •  45  •  46  •  47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52
Volume 7 53  •  54  •  55  •  56  •  57  •  58  •  59  •  60  •  61
Volume 8 62  •  63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68  •  69  •  70
Volume 9 71  •  72  •  73  •  74  •  75  •  76  •  77  •  78  •  79
Volume 10 80  •  81  •  82  •  83  •  84  •  85  •  86  •  87  •  88
Volume 11 89  •  90  •  91  •  92  •  93  •  94  •  95  •  96  •  97  •  97.5
Volume 12 98  •  99  •  100  •  101  •  102  •  103  •  104  •  105  •  106
Volume 13 107  •  108  •  109  •  110  •  111  •  112  •  113  •  114  •  115
Volume 14 116  •  117  •  118  •  119  •  120  •  121  •  122  •  123  •  124
Volume 15 125  •  126  •  127  •  128  •  129  •  130  •  131  •  132  •  133
Volume 16 134  •  135  •  136  •  137  •  128  •  139  •  140  •  141  •  142  •  143
Volume 17 144  •  145  •  146  •  147  •  148  •  149  •  150  •  151  •  152
Volume 18 153  •  154  •  155  •  156  •  157  •  158  •  159  •  160  •  161
Volume 19 162  •  163  •  164  •  165  •  166  •  167  •  168  •  169  •  170
Volume 20 171  •  172  •  173  •  174  •  175  •  176  •  177  •  178  •  179  •  180  •  181
Special Chapters 181.1  •  181.2  •  181.3  •  181.4  •  181.5
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By Story Arcs
Introduction 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5
6  •  7  •  8  •  9
Jailbreak 10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15
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21  •  21.5  •  22  •  23  •  23.5  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28
29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34  •  35  •  36  •  37
Promised Forest 38  •  39  •  40  •  41  •  42
43  •  44  •  45  •  46
47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52
Search For Minerva 53  •  54  •  55  •  56  •  57  •  58  •  59
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69  •  70  •  71  •  72  •  73  •  74
Goldy Pond Battle 75  •  76  •  77  •  78  •  79  •  80  •  81
82  •  83  •  84  •  85  •  86  •  87
88  •  89  •  90  •  91  •  92  •  93  •  94  •  95
Cuvitidala 96  •  97  •  97.5  •  98  •  99  •  100  •  101
102  •  103  •  104  •  105  •  106
107  •  108  •  109  •  110  •  111  •  112
King of Paradise 113  •  114  •  115  •  116  •  117
118  •  119  •  120  •  121
122  •  123  •  124  •  125  •  126
127  •  128  •  129  •  130
Seven Walls 131  •  132  •  133  •  134  •  135  •  136
137  •  138  •  139  •  140
141  •  142  •  143  •  144  •  145
Imperial Capital Battle 146  •  147  •  148  •  149  •  150
151  •  152  •  153  •  154
155  •  156  •  157  •  158  •  159
Return to Grace Field 160  •  161  •  162  •  163  •  164  •  165
166  •  167  •  168  •  169  •  170
171  •  172  •  173  •  174
175  •  176  •  177  •  178
Human World 179  •  180  •  181
Special Chapters 181.1  •  181.2  •  181.3  •  181.4  •  181.5