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This article is about the Anime version of Anna. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.

Anna (アンナ, An'na?) is one of the supporting characters of The Promised Neverland series. She is a nine-year-old orphan who formerly resided at Grace Field House Plant 3. She is a quiet but thoughtful and strong-willed girl who is brought into the escape plan alongside Nat, Thoma and Lannion after the truth of the orphanage is revealed.

After successfully escaping Grace Field alongside fourteen other orphans, Anna now seeks to find William Minerva, whom she and her family believe can grant them the liberty to live a safe and peaceful life away from the Demons.


Anna season two appearance

Anna after escaping Grace Field

Anna is a young girl with fair skin, light blue eyes and a rather petite build. She has long, straight blonde hair tied into twin braids, laid on her shoulders. She later cut her hair to about shoulder-length to save Ray, after which she began tying her hair in two short pigtails at the back. She wears the standard Grace Field uniform- a plain white long sleeved button-up shirt and a white skirt along with brown boots. Her identification number, "48194", can be seen on the left side of her neck.


Anna was born at Grace Field on April 25, 2036 and sent to Plantation 3 a year later in 2037, growing up along with several other children under the parental care of Isabella. Anna is brought into the escape plan alongside Nat, Thoma and Lannion after Don and Gilda revealed the truth of the orphanage to them by allowing them to listen in on Emma and Norman's conversation with Sister Krone. Anna helped the children escape by cutting off her braids so that they could be used in the decoy body for Ray. Anna successfully escaped the house along with the rest of her siblings who were over the age of five.


Anna is shown to be a bright, gentle, and kind girl who loves her siblings dearly. She is very protective of them, cares for them deeply and would go great lengths to keep them safe. Anna is one of the children considered trustworthy by Emma, and her willingness to help despite the danger demonstrates her loyalty and bravery. Anna is more than willing to make sacrifices for the sake of her family, as seen when she cuts her hair off for Ray.


Introduction Arc

Taking daily tests, playing a game of tag, eating scrumptious homemade food and having a good time – Anna went through the same routine every day at Grace Field House. She is seen participating in the training sessions under the disguise of playing. Anna was first seen studying alongside Ray in the library of the Grace Field House.[3] A few days later, during a game of tag, she was caught by Krone along with Nat and Thoma.[4]

Jailbreak Arc

It is revealed that Anna, along with Nat, Thoma, and Lannion, was brought into the escape plan after Don and Gilda trusted them enough to hear in on a conversation of Krone revealing information about the truth of Grace Field. Including Anna, the number of children aware of the secret by that point was increased to nine, including the three oldest children Ray, Emma, and Norman. However, over the course of the next couple weeks, Anna, Nat, Thoma, and Lannion kept a low profile in order to ensure neither Krone or Isabella could figure out their awareness of the secret as well. During the two months after Norman's shipment, Anna and her allies got instructions from Emma on how to train the orphans for the upcoming escape. in particular, Anna and the other children who knew of the secret managed to convince seven other younger children including Dominic, Mark, Chris, Rossi, Yvette, Alicia, and Jemima to join in on the escape plan.

Emma, Anna and Alicia

Anna, Emma and Alicia are escaping.

In January 2046, Anna assisted with the escape by cutting her hair braids for Emma with her plan to outwit Isabella by using it as part of a decoy body for Ray. Anna, along side Jemima, also took responsibility in sewing the ropes used in the zip-lining phase of the escape. Once Emma started the fire, Anna and the others put on their running shoes, grabbed the supplies they gathered and stashed in the forest, disabled the tracking devices in their ears with Ray's hand-made device, and ran to the wall once Emma caught up with them. Anna also assisted in bandaging Emma and Ray's ears after they were forced to cut them off in order to dispose of their transmitters in a fast manner. Anna and her siblings then escape from Grace Field by zip-lining down into the forest on the other side of the large cliff, where they flee as fast as they can until they reach another cliff and witness the sunrise for their first day as free children.[5]

Promised Forest Arc

Gilda and Anna

Gilda and Anna are scared.

Anna and the other Grace Field children begin their journey to find a safe place to live. It's hinted at that it might have been a few hours, possibly leading into the very next day to where the episode begins. As the night carries on, the children continue to make their way until they are stopped in their tracks by a wild demon who chases them throughout the forest. Anna and all meet up once again, Emma suddenly collapses due the wound on her ear opening up once more. Just as Anna examines her, someone in the distance leads them to safety, a group of fireflies illuminating the figure. The group is quick to realize it might be one of the humans Krone mentioned to them, and allow themselves to trust her.[6]

Word Help

Anna and others saw the word ''Help''

Mujika rescued Anna and the other children. Mujika and Sonju taught the kids the survival skills they needed to learn. As Anna was treating Emma 's ear she was startled because Gilda suddenly shouted at Emma.[7] Six days passed away and the children already came out of the fore and they could finally go to the shelter. Anna and her family have reached the shelter and they went into it. The children saw the kitchen, bath, garden, library and big room. While Nat plays the piano, Anna happily listens to it. Then Emma, Ray, Don, Gilda, Anna and Nat went outside to play the radio and the radio said everything is normal at the Plant 1 and Plant 4. While Anna chasing Lani and Thoma, she saw Yvette in front of a door. They went inside and they saw a wall with the written word ''Help'' and others.[8]

Anna's diary

Anna's diary.

Anna saw a notebook with a note saying they should not give up. Anna and others lived happily on the shelter. They start to do everyday activities using the skills they learned in the forest: Foraging, hunting, playing in the desert, growing their own vegetables among other things. Anna writes in her diary what they do on a daily basis. Their life in the shelter lasted only a month because they were attacked by house pursuers. They managed to escape their attack. But they were immediately caught but the wild demon ate the house pursuers and the children ran into the forest as they were being chased by the wild demon.[9]

King of Paradise Arc

Anna's smile

Anna in the temple.

After the attack on the shelter. Anna and the others lived in the temple near the demon village to live there in the meantime. According to Anna nothing happened to them for an five months. Anna and Yvette were hesitant about the food so Emma promised her that she would get more food. But, Anna says it is okay. Anna, Emma, ​​Ray, Don, Gilda and Nat listened to the radio again to find out what was going on there. Anna doubts that they might not be able to get to their destination because it is so far away. The old demon came to the temple and he told the children not to stop alone in the temple of the evil blooded. This demon did not know that they were human so they were afraid until the old demon left.[10]

Anna hugs Emma

Anna hugs Emma.

Anna and the others are all shocked at seeing Norman in front of them, but the little tots embrace him, with him remarking at their growth. Norman explained to them what had happened to him and about the demons. Norman said they would kill all the demons so they would no longer live in fear. Anna was happy with it and she hugged Emma.[11]

Anna and Nat

Anna and Nat.

Emma confesses to Anna and the others her plan that she will not kill the demons. She explained her reason and Anna and the others supported Emma.[12] While Emma, ​​Ray, Don, and Gilda are looking for Sonju and Mujika. Anna, Nat, and others were left in the temple.[13]When Emma and the others returned to the temple, they talked about how they could save Phil and the others.[14]

Return to Grace Field Arc

Anna and Vincent

Anna is helping Vincent.

Anna and the others prepare to rescue Phil and the others. Anna and other manage to go inside Anna is helping Vincent to hack the network and taunts Ratri for falling for the trap. They head to the elevator where everyone reunites. Peter Ratri with the sisters and moms takes in the defeat of the children, and asks them to stand down and surrender but Isabella and other sisters and moms side with them and oppose Ratri.[15] Anna sees Emma reconciling with Ratri but he commits suicide. They succeeded in reaching the door to the world of human. When they came out they saw that the trio, Barbara, Cislo, and Zazie had not come along. Anna was hesitant about this but they understood them.

Human World Arc

Anna is blowing her candle

Anna is blowing her candle.

They succeeded in reaching the Human World. They lived there peacefully and Anna celebrated her twelfth birthday. Anna and the others saw that the five had arrived after a few years and they were together again.[16]

Skills and Abilities

Medical Proficiency

Anna is reliable when it comes to medical treatment for the kids. She did it while she is treating Emma's ear.



Anna loves Emma like a sister and worries about her well-being when Emma puts herself in danger. Emma considers Anna trustworthy enough to allow her to listen in on the conversation she and Norman have with Krone, thus revealing the truth about their situation at Grace Field. Emma's faith in Anna proved to be valuable - as Anna was able to help with preparations leading up to the escape. During the two months that Emma was feigning defeat, Anna, along with several other children, secretly took orders from her and trained their siblings while slowly inducting them into the plan.


Anna cares for Ray deeply. While their initial interactions are somewhat scarce due to Ray's quiet and independent nature. Like all the other children, Ray considered Anna a potential burden to the escape plan and urged Emma and Norman to reconsider their stance on trying to escape with all the children at the house. Unbeknownst to Ray, however, Anna was already informed of the secret and contributing to the escape efforts. During this time, Emma also made Anna aware of Ray's plan to kill himself the morning of his birthday. Anna cut off her braids to help create a convincing decoy for Isabella, so that Ray's suicide attempt could be avoided and he could escape along with them. Ray seems shocked to see Emma presenting Anna's braids, as her long hair was her most identifiable feature. This is a sign of sacrifice in Japan, and this is a slight hint to the future feelings Anna will feel for Ray later on in the series.


Anna and Norman did not interact that much when they lived in the Grace Field House. Norman agreed with Emma's plan to bring Anna, along with the others, into the plan without Ray's knowledge. Anna was saddened to see Norman leaving to join his new "foster parents" later on.


Anna and Nat appear to be very good friends due to being the same age. She cares for Nat just like how she cares for the rest of her family. Anna loves Nat playing the piano.



  • The following are Anna's rankings in some of The Promised Neverland's official popularity polls.
    • In the Official Promised Neverland Website's popularity poll released on September 13, 2020, Anna is in 5th place.
    • In Viz Media's popularity poll released on February 5, 2021 alongside Episode 17, Anna is in 8th place.


  • Anna is a Latin form of the Greek: Ἄννα and the Hebrew name Hannah (Hebrew: חַנָּה Ḥannāh‎), meaning "favor" or "grace" or "beautiful"


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Promised Neverland Fanbook
  2. Volume 2 Extra page
  3. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 1
  4. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 3
  5. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 12
  6. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 13
  7. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 14
  8. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 15
  9. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 16
  10. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 17
  11. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 18
  12. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 19
  13. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 20
  14. The Promisded Neverland anime: Episode 21
  15. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 22
  16. The Promised Neverland anime: Episode 23

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The Promised Neverland Characters
Main Characters: Emma  •  Norman  •  Ray
Grace Field Escapees: Alicia  •  Anna  •  Chris  •  Dominic  •  Don  •  Emma  •  Gilda  •  Jemima  •  Lannion  •  Mark  •  Nat  •  Ray  •  Rossi  •  Thoma  •  Yvette
Shipped Out: Conny  •  Leslie  •  Michelle  •  Norman  •  Olivia  •  Simon  •  Susan  •  Robert  •  Marcus  •  Abby  •  Cecile  •  Hao  •  Sadie  •  Chucky  •  Jimmy  •  Helena  •  James  •  Gary  •  Light-haired boy  •  Black-haired girl  •  Light-haired girl  •  Kate  •  Hana  •  Cindy  •  Eric  •  Grant  •  Mack  •  Rosie  •  Gotao?  •  Adela  •  Bethany
Grace Field House Orphans: Phil  •  Carol  •  Chamberlain  •  Dalia  •  Damdin  •  Eugene  •  Hans  •  Jasper  •  Marnya  •  Naila  •  Nina  •  Sherry  •  Tom  •  Vivian  •  Charlie  •  Milly  •  Jackie  •  Helen  •  Gray-haired girl  •  Brown-haired girl  •  Light brown-haired boy  •  Dark brown-haired boy  •  Blonde-haired boy  •  Black-haired boy  •  Mike
Caretakers: Krone  •  Isabella  •  Previous Grandmother  •  Sarah  •  Yukko  •  Sienna  •  Scarlet  •  Matilda  •  Jessica
Ratri Clan: Andrew  •  Julius Ratri  •  Mike Ratri  •  Peter Ratri  •  William Minerva
Minerva's Group: Ayshe  •  Barbara  •  Cislo  •  Hayato  •  Jin  •  Smee  •  Vincent  •  Zazie
Goldy Pond: Adam  •  Gillian  •  Jake  •  Monica  •  Nigel  •  Oliver  •  Paula  •  Pepe  •  Sandy  •  Sonya  •  Theo  •  Violet  •  Windmill Boy  •  Zack  •  Johnny  •  Fred  •  Mary  •  Malcolm  •  Elliot  •  Michael  •  Lucy  •  Lala  •  Emilia  •  Sophie
Glory Bell Escapees: Yugo  •  Lucas  •  Dina  •  Nicolas  •  Erica  •  Mike  •  John  •  Anny  •  Walter  •  Maria  •  Damian  •  Viviana  •  Flore  •  Abel  •  Pedro  •  Jatte  •  Hilda  •  Bess  •  Stacie
Ancestors: Julius Ratri  •  Bald man  •  Bearded man  •  Black-haired man  •  Orange-haired man  •  White-haired woman
Other humans: Margo  •  Rita  •  Leo  •  Father  •  Mr. Mendel  •  Alex Mikhaylov  •  Ugo
Royal Family: DemonKing Name  •  Legravalima
Five Regent Families: Bayon II  •  Dozza  •  Geelan  •  Pupo  •  Noum  •  Yverk  •  Noumu  •  Former Lord Noum  •  Lady Bayon  •  Bayon II's child  •  Bayon II's baby
Heathens: Mujika  •  Sonju
Poachers: Bayon  •  Leuvis  •  Luce  •  Nouma  •  Nous  •  Palvus  •  Luce's servants  •  Bayon's servants
Civilians: Ayshe's father  •  Awla  •  Mawla  •  Vylk  •  Emma (Demon)  •  Grace Field Boss Demon  •  The Pursuer  •  Mawla and Awla's mother  •  Mawla and Awla's father  •  The High Priest  •  The Four Sages
Animals: Palvus  •  Sonju's horse  •  Cuvitidala Dragon  •  Minerva's Owl  •  Ayshe's dogs  •  Goowee  •  Marvine  •  Flying newts  •  Betty  •  Oscar  •  Samuel  •  Susie  •  NER
Groups: Ancestors  •  Andrew's Teammates  •  Bayon's servants  •  Demons  •  Five Regent Families  •  Goldy Pond Resistance  •  Grandmas  •  Heathens  •  Luce's servants  •  Mamas  •  Orphans  •  Poachers  •  Ratri Clan  •  Sisters