So I thought of this:
Private schools = Premium Farms
Public schools = Mass production farms.
(I'm in a Private school)
Listen, now to list all the stuff odd about my school, it gives me sm TPN vibes.
1. We have ID numbers, and only are identified by them. (During exams, it'll ask u for the ID code. "Mine's 55639")
Yup! the registration number is VERY important and should be memorized, it helps the PRO (the headquarters basically) Identify the student (the orphan). Without it, it'll be harder to grade them.
2. We take tests (Quizzes) almost EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's so irritating! and the teachers get upset if we score below 16/20. (80%)
We take so much quizzes to strengthen our brains, it's ridiculous. In all schools I've been to, there was no such thing as A QUIZ EVER. SINGLE. DAY.
We have to study all the time if we want good grades, nothing's easy here. Math is very complex for our grades too... Especially Grade 10.
3. We have check-ups with the Ministry (the Ratri-clan smthn like that) every week, the bring us loads of quizzes to see how well we're doing.
4. Most of the students in the grades that tested for IQ test are above average.. (Aka, above needed IQ to make it to Premium farm (minimum, 115.)
For example, my IQ is 129, so if I was a character in the anime/manga, I'd 100% make it to the orphanage. Majority of us are between 120 - 140 IQ though.
Tell me your thoughts! what do you think?